Jamie Oliver: Cook with Jamie - My Guide to Making You a Better Cook

I can't tell you how long I've dreamt about writing this book. It’s the biggest book I’ve ever done, and I’ve really tried to make it a timeless, modern-day classic.
ISBN: 9780141019703
Author: Jamie Oliver
Page: 448
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2009
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 7 125 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 2-3 weeks


Whether you’re a student, a young couple, an established cook or a novice, I’ll take you through a whole load of simple and accessible recipes that will blow the socks off your family and any guests you might have round for dinner. There’s information on the equipment that I think you should have in your kitchen, advice on how to recognize and cook loads of different cuts of meat, as well as on how to get the best value and quality when you’re out shopping....


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