William Shakespeare: Timon of Athens - A Shakespeare Children's Stories

William Shakespeare's Timon of Athens is the tale of a rich Athenian who lived a lavish life, spending his wealth on his friends.
ISBN: 9781782262275
Author: William Shakespeare
Page: 64
Binding: Hard cover
Publication date: 2015
Format: Book
Language: English
Ages: 6-10 years

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Price: 2 650 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


William Shakespeare's Timon of Athens is the tale of a rich Athenian who lived a lavish life, spending his wealth on his friends. Eventually, when his wealth ceases and he asks his friends for help, Timon is shocked to find that none of them are prepared to do so. This fills him with hatred for humanity, and he decides to live the life of a hermit.


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