Kindness for Koalas

When Mala the Koala stomps into the forest, feeling very crummy, a little mouse suggests Mala will soon feel better if she starts to be kind. But how? wonders Mala.
ISBN: 9781474998574
Author: Zanna Davidson, Ged Adamson
Page: 32
Binding: Hard cover
Publication date: 2023
Format: Book
Publisher: USBORNE
Language: English
Ages: 6-10 years

Rating(No ratings so far.)

Price: 5 350 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Soon she's sharing her lunch with some emu chicks, helping a baby bat and comforting her friend, Wombat - discovering, on her way, that kindness really is what makes the world go round. This easy-to-read rhyming story, with gentle humour and gorgeous artwork, is a perfect introduction to kindness.


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