Virginia Woolf: Moments of Being - Autobiographical Writings

Virginia Woolf's only autobiographical writing is to be found in this collection of five unpublished pieces.
ISBN: 9780712646185
Author: Virginia Woolf
Page: 202
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2002
Format: Book
Publisher: PIMLICO
Language: English

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Price: 5 550 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Despite Quentin Bell's comprehensive biography and numerous recent studies of her, the author's own account of her early life holds new fascination - for its unexpected detail, the strength of its emotion, and its clear-sighted judgement of Victorian values. In 'Reminiscences' Virginia Woolf focuses on the death of her mother, 'the greatest disaster that could happen', and its effect on her father, the demanding patriarch who took a high toll of the women in his household. She surveys some of the same ground in 'A Sketch of the Past', the most important memoir in this collection, which she wrote with greater detachment and supreme command of her art shortly before her death.


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