The Twinkly, Twinkly Christmas Tree

Children - and adults - will love the twinkly lights that light up as you turn the pages and follow the story in this book.
ISBN: 9781474952606
Author: Sam Taplin
Page: 10
Binding: Hard cover
Publication date: 2018
Format: Book
Publisher: USBORNE
Language: English
Ages: 0-6 years

Rating(No ratings so far.)

Price: 6 250 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 2-3 weeks


Mouse has no Christmas lights, so she sets out with her friend Mole and together they discover the twinkliest Christmas tree sparkling with lights. A beautiful gift and a delightful book to share during the festive season.
Please note: the bulbs in this book are activated by a light sensor and may not work if the light in the room isn’t bright enough.


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