Search results

Number of results: 4915

Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphonies - 5 CD

WARNER, 2016

Elisabeth Schwarzkopf (soprano), Elisabeth Höngen (mezzo), Hans Hopf (tenor), Otto Edelmann (bass), Wiener Philharmoniker, Stockholm Philharmonic & Chor und Orchester der Festspiele Bayreuth, Wilhelm Furtwängler


Price: 12 500 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 4-6 weeks

Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony 6-9 - 3 CD+könyv

ALIA VOX, 2022

Sara Gouzy (soprano), Salome Fischer (alto), Mingjie Lei (tenor), Manuel Walser (baritone), Le Concert des Nations, La Capella Nacional de Catalunya, Jordi Savall


Price: 14 150 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies

Number of results: 4915