Easy Concert Pieces for String Quartet or String Orchestra

partitúra és szólamok
ISBN: M0001205368
Author: Peter Mohrs szerk.
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2020
Format: Sheet Music
Language: -

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Price: 14 500 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Johann Sebastian Bach: March from Wedding Cantata
Johann Bernhard Bach: Les Plaisirs
Johann Bernhard Bach: Air
Johann Bernhard Bach: Gavotte en Rondeau from Overture No. 3 in E minor
Georg Phillip Telemann: Gavotte
Georg Phillip Telemann: Air
Georg Phillip Telemann: Chaconne
Georg Phillip Telemann: Minuet from Overture in G major, TWV 55: G9
Georg Friedrich Händel: Sarabande from Rinaldo
Henry Purcell: Rondeau
Henry Purcell: Dance for the Fairies from The Fairy Queen
Carl Friedrich Abel: Minuet from Symphony op. 10/5
Joseph Haydn: Allegro from String Quartet op. 9/6
Friedrich Burgmüller: Ave Maria
Charles Dancla: Priere
César Franck: Chant de la Creuse
Peter I. Tchaikovsky: Morning Prayer
Robert Fuchs: Prayer
Eduard Pütz: Spiritual
Harald Genzmer: Tranquillo
Harald Genzmer:: Vivace
Rainer Mohrs: Prayer for Peace
Peter Mohrs: Princess Sivama’s Song
Peter Mohrs: Tarantella piccola
Daniel Kemminer: Like a Bird
Daniel Kemminer: Un sueno truncado


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