Camille Saint-Saens: Carnival of the Animals - partitúra

ISBN: M0486404129
Author: Camille Saint-Saens
Page: 61
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 1999
Format: Sheet Music
Language: -

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Price: 6 950 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Written in 1886 for an annual Mardi Gras concert, The Carnival Of The Animals consists of 14 pieces scored for flute/piccolo, clarinet, glass harmonica (tuned glass bowls), xylophone, 2 pianos and strings. Each piece embodies a zoological motif, painting a musical picture of - among others - a lion, chickens, turtles, an elephant, kangaroos and the immensely popular swan, In his joyful musical romp, the composer borrows from well-known classical works, including references to Berlioz and Mendelssohn in'The Elephant' and passages of his own Danse Macabre in 'Fossils'. Reprinted from the original, authoritative score, this handsome and inexpensive edition will charm musicians and music lovers everywhere.


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