Szent Efrém Férfikar: Orientale Lumen II. - 2 CD

Szent Efrém Férfikar, Bubnó Tamás
ISBN: 5998309302176
Publication date: 2015
Format: CD
Publisher: BMC
Language: -

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Price: 4 800 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


CD 1
1. Bell Prayer I
2. Evening Sacrifice
3. God Is with Us
4. Christ Is Born
5. When the Angel Came Down to Mary
6. Christmas Bell Prayer
7. Awake, Oh Christian Soul
8. Oh, Pious Jesus
9. Little Girl
10. Hark, How the Bells
11. 12. Credo
13. Cherubic Chant
14. Interlude for Bells, Wood & Metals
15. Two Movements from Presanctificated Gifts
16. Kratima (Ps 105) [Live]
17. Traditional Serbian Chant (Ps 135)
18. We Hymn Thee
CD 2
1. Bell Prayer I (Prelude)
2. Credo (Grechaninov)
3. Bell Prayer II
4. I Will Bless the Lord at All Times
5. Symantron (Wood Bell)
6. Do Not Reject Me (Ps 70)
7. Bell Prayer III
8. Blessed Is the Man (Ps 1)
9. Bless the Lord, O My Soul (Ps 103)
10. Praise Ye the Name of the Lord (Ps 134/135)
11. Interlude for Chains and Metals
12. Lamentation of the Virgin Mary
13. Having Beheld the Resurrection of Christ
14. Cherubimic Hymn
15. Bell Prayer IV
16. Te Deum Laudamus


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