Nach -Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik- eine neue Geschichte von Charlie und Willy Wonka, dem Schokoladenfabrikanten. Neben seinen selbst erfundenen Süßigkeiten ist der große gläserne Fahrstuhl Willy Wonkas größtes Wunderwerk.
Traurig ist die Kindheit von Charly Bucket, nur zum Geburtstag können ihm seine Eltern einmal im Jahr eine Tafel der wundervollen Wonka-Schokolade schenken. Willy Wonkas Schokoladenfabrik liegt gleich nebenan und ist sagenumwoben.
El senor Wonka ha escondido cinco billetes de oro en sus chocolatinas. Quienes los encuentren serán los afortunados que visiten su magnífica fábrica de chocolate.
Brillante y con tintes fantásticos como un Grimm, realista como un O. Henry o despiadado como un Saki, sus historias fueron adaptadas por Alfred Hitchcock para la televisión, y han inspirado a creadores como Steven Spielberg o Quentin Tarantino.
Danny has the most marvellous and exciting father anyone ever had. He can repair any car or machine that people bring to him, loves going on adventures with Danny and tells him incredible stories around the stove in the cozy caravan they call home.
Boggis is an enormously fat chicken farmer who only eats boiled chickens smothered in fat.Bunce is a duck-and-goose farmer whose dinner gives him a beastly temper.
This beautiful edition of Fantastic Mr Fox, part of The Roald Dahl Classic Collection, features official archive material from the Roald Dahl Museum and is perfect for Dahl fans old and new.
George is alone in the house with Grandma. The most horrid, grizzly old grunion of a grandma ever. She needs something stronger than her usual medicine to cure her grouchiness.
In 1938 Roald Dahl was fresh out of school and bound for his first job in Africa, hoping to find adventure far from home. However, he got far more excitement than he bargained for when the outbreak of the Second World War led him to join the RAF.
James Henry Trotter lives with two ghastly hags. Aunt Sponge is enormously fat with a face that looks boiled and Aunt Spiker is bony and screeching. He's very lonely until one day something peculiar happens.