Ralf Rothmann erzählt in der ihm eigenen, eindringlichen Sprache von den letzten Wochen der Kindheit, ihren leisen Schrecken und dem erhellenden Trost: »Wenn du dich für die Freiheit entschieden hast, kann dir gar nichts passieren. Nie.«
Réquiem por un campesino espanol recoge un dramático episodio de la guerra civil en un pueblecito aragonés. Mosén Millán se dispone a ofrecer una misa en sufragio del alma de un joven a quien había querido como a un hijo. Mientras aguarda a los asistente
A mysterious island. An abandoned orphanage. A strange collection of very curious photographs. It all waits to be discovered in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, an unforgettable novel that mixes fiction and photography in a thrilling reading
RAÚL ZURITA (Santiago de Chile, 1950) se cine a la gran tradición poética chilena desde la publicación de sus primeros libros Purgarorio (1979) y Anteparaíso (1982).
I was told that being confined was to keep the bad out . . . Until I realized it was about keeping me in.Midas made me forbidden and weak. Little did he know that I would find my wings and voice - which sings now.
My life has been shaped and controlled by the greed of others, but that ends now.I have burned down the court of King Midas and from those flames, I will rise and wield my own power.