Loki has made a fair few enemies during his time in Asgard. Too many to count and certainly too many to remember. When the elf, Vinir beams Loki aboard his chariot and challenges him to a magical duel, Loki hasn't got a clue why.
Loki's third doodle-packed diary in the number one best-selling series.When Heimdall and Hyrrokkin abandon their "children" to go on holiday, Odin sends Balder – Thor's half brother and god of making Loki look bad – to babysit.
Loki might not have shown any moral improvement (yet) but Odin has given him another chance to prove himself worthy of Asgard by keeping Earth safe from the threat of Frost Giants.
April 19th, 1831. In two or three hours I'll be dead.So begins the chilling last testament of Gus Landor, a retired New York City police constable, whose numerous talents include code-breaking, riot control and the 'gloveless interrogation'.
Stanley Yelnats' family has a history of bad luck, so when a miscarriage of justice sends him to Camp Green Lake Juvenile Detention Centre (which isn't green and doesn't have a lake) he is not surprised.
Three years have passed since the events narrated in Little Women, and the four March sisters are approaching adulthood, with all its accompanying challenges and expectations.
Meg, Jo, Amy and Beth - four "little women" enduring hardships and enjoying adventures in Civil War New England The charming story of the March sisters, Little Women has been adored by generations.
The four March sisters – Meg, Jo, Amy and Beth – live in financial hardship in New England with their mother, while their father has been drafted to fight in the Civil War.
The progress of these four 'little women' is narrated along the lines of Bunyan's pilgrim, and we are shown how - encountering struggles and learning important lessons along the way - each one attains her own Celestial City.
There is nothing special about the day Cushla meets Michael, a married man from Belfast, in the pub owned by her family. But here, love is never far from violence, and this encounter will change both of their lives forever.
Dr. Réthy László (1851–1914) etnográfus és numizmatikus Lőwy Árpád álnéven írt pajzán verseket. A kötet Andrew C. Rouse forditásában és előszavával jelent meg.