Ljudmila Ulickaja: Skvoznaja linija
AST, 2018
Vstrechi i nevstrechi, pritjazhenija i ottalkivanija, parnye sluchai iz zhizni… Istorii, sobrannye v povesti "Skvoznaja linija", svjazany temoj lzhi, a tochnee - vydumki.
Price: 6 225 Ft
Not in stockLibra Bookshop - Ferenc Liszt Music Store
1085 Budapest, Kölcsey utca 1.
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10-18, Sat 10-14
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AST, 2018
Vstrechi i nevstrechi, pritjazhenija i ottalkivanija, parnye sluchai iz zhizni… Istorii, sobrannye v povesti "Skvoznaja linija", svjazany temoj lzhi, a tochnee - vydumki.
Price: 6 225 Ft
Not in stockAST, 2018
Istorija Sonechki, kotoraja vsju zhizn pitaetsja velikoj literaturoj, kak drugie khlebom nasuschnym.
Price: 5 750 Ft
Not in stockELENA SHUBINA, 2015
Silnejshaja privjazannost k vescham - k ikh biografii, geografii, rozhdeniju i smerti - privela k tomu, chto v skorokhodovskuju korobku iz-pod botinok ja skladyvala vse, s chem trudno bylo rasstatsja:
Price: 5 725 Ft
Not in stockAST, 2018
Kniga avtobiograficheskoj prozy i esseistiki pisalas-sobiralas Ljudmiloj Ulitskoj v obschej slozhnosti bolee dvadtsati let, parallelno s "Sonechkoj", "Kazusom Kukotskogo", "Danielem Shtajnom…", "Zelenym shatrom".
Price: 7 675 Ft
ACT, 2016
Kniga avtobiograficheskoj prozy i esseistiki pisalas-sobiralas Ljudmiloj Ulitskoj v obschej slozhnosti bolee dvadtsati let, parallelno s "Sonechkoj", "Kazusom Kukotskogo", "Danielem Shtajnom...", "Zelenym shatrom".
Price: 6 125 Ft
Not in stockAST, 2018
Dolgoe proschanie s zhiznju. Poslednie dni obajatelnogo khudozhnika Alika, byvshego moskvicha, teper amerikantsa (da on vezde svoj, chto na Trubnoj, chto v Mankhettene).
Price: 4 575 Ft
Not in stockAST, 2016
Ljudmilu Ulitskuju ne raz nazyvali ochen vnimatelnym svidetelem epokhi, ee tsepkim nabljudatelem i interpretatorom. Pozhaluj, bolee vsego eto otnositsja k romanu "Zelenyj shater".
Price: 9 825 Ft
AST, 2018
Ljudmilu Ulitskuju ne raz nazyvali ochen vnimatelnym svidetelem epokhi, ee tsepkim nabljudatelem i interpretatorom. Pozhaluj, bolee vsego eto otnositsja k romanu "Zelenyj shater".
Price: 4 950 Ft
Not in stockPrice: 7 990 Ft
Ljudmilu Ulitskuju ne raz nazyvali ochen vnimatel nym svidetelem epokhi, ee tsepkim nabljudatelem i interpretatorom. Pozhaluj, bolee vsego eto otnositsja k romanu "Zelenyj shater".
Price: 5 350 Ft
Not in stockMÉDIUM POCHE, 2016
Dans le monde ou vit Jonas, la guerre, la pauvreté, le chômage, le divorce n'existent pas. Les inégalités n'existent pas.
Price: 4 625 Ft
Inspired by true events of the Second World War, this gripping novel brings the past vividly to life for today’s readers.
Price: 3 125 Ft
It is the future. There is no war, no hunger, no pain. No one in the community wants for anything. Everything needed is provided. And at twelve years old, each member of the community has their profession carefully chosen for them by...
Price: 3 850 Ft
In a perfect world, Jonas begins to see the flaws…
Price: 2 425 Ft
Not in stockMATTHES & SEITZ BERLIN, 2021
Lola Randls Erfolgsroman - nominiert für den Deutschen Buchpreis 2019 - als Sonderausgabe!
Price: 9 450 Ft
Weaving the voices of Baba Segi and his four competing wives into a portrait of a clamorous household of twelve, Lola Shoneyin evokes an extraordinary Nigerian family in splashes of vibrant colour.
Price: 2 425 Ft
Price: 4 750 Ft
Price: 2 075 Ft
(4 150 Ft)
Mit zittrigen Fingern öffnet die TV-Moderatorin Hannah Farr einen Brief. Der Absender ist eine ehemalige Schulfreundin, die sie jahrelang gemobbt hat. Die Frau bittet sie nun um Vergebung.
Price: 7 250 Ft
Wry, witty and very funny diary-style story packed with doodles and comic strips about the frustration trickster god Loki feels at having to live trapped in the body of a weedy eleven-year-old boy.
Price: 4 275 Ft
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