Weaving the voices of Baba Segi and his four competing wives into a portrait of a clamorous household of twelve, Lola Shoneyin evokes an extraordinary Nigerian family in splashes of vibrant colour.
Mit zittrigen Fingern öffnet die TV-Moderatorin Hannah Farr einen Brief. Der Absender ist eine ehemalige Schulfreundin, die sie jahrelang gemobbt hat. Die Frau bittet sie nun um Vergebung.
Late summer in North Dakota, 1999: Landreaux Iron stalks a deer along the edge of the property bordering his own. He shoots with easy confidence but only when he staggers closer does he realise he has killed his neighbour's son.
There is nothing special about the day Cushla meets Michael, a married man from Belfast, in the pub owned by her family. But here, love is never far from violence, and this encounter will change both of their lives forever.
The world just goes along. Nothing much matters, you know? I mean really matters. but then sometimes, just for a second, you get this grace, this belief that it does matter, a whole lot.
La consulta de Lucía Galán Bertrand no solo es el territorio donde atiende a sus pequenos pacientes y se enfrenta a todos los desafíos médicos como pediatra ?historias que han dejado una huella imborrable en su corazón y que ha decidido compartir en este
Una volta giu, gli piacerebbe essere musicista ma e solo la sensazione di una sensazione. Non e una sensazione invece quel piolo sulla testa. E la sua Canzone piu bella?
Nach einem schweren Schicksalsschlag kehrt Julia Forrester in ihre alte Heimat Norfolk zurück, wo sie im Orchideenhaus von Wharton Park als Kind viele glückliche Stunden verbrachte.
Posy Montague steht kurz vor ihrem siebzigsten Geburtstag. Sie lebt alleine in ihrem geliebten »Admiral House«, einem herrschaftlichen Anwesen im ländlichen Suffolk.