Bernard Cornwell: The Pagan Lord

In a clash of heroes, the kingdom is born.
ISBN: 9780007331925
Author: Bernard Cornwell
Page: 345
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2013
Language: English

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Price: 4 825 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


At the onset of the tenth century, England is in turmoil. Alfred the Great is dead and Edward, his son, reigns as king. Wessex survives, but peace cannot hold: the Danes in the north, led by Viking Cnut Longsword, stand ready to invade and will not restuntil the emerald crown is theirs.Uhtred, once Alfred's great warrior but now out of favor with the new king, must lead a band of outcasts north to recapture his old family home, that great Northumbrian fortress, Bebbanburg.In The Pagan Lord, loyalties will be divided and men will fall, as every Saxon kingdom is drawn into the bloodiest battle yet with the Danes: a war that will decide the fate of every king, and the entire British nation.


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