Philippa Gregory: Tidelands

Midsummer’s Eve, 1648, and England is in the grip of civil war between renegade King and rebellious Parliament. The struggle reaches every corner of the kingdom, even to the remote Tidelands – the marshy landscape of the south coast.
ISBN: 9781471185892
Author: Philippa Gregory
Page: 464
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2020
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 4 275 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Alinor, a descendant of wise women, crushed by poverty and superstition, waits in the graveyard under the full moon for a ghost who will declare her free from her abusive husband. Instead she meets James, a young man on the run, and shows him the secret ways across the treacherous marsh, not knowing that she is leading disaster into the heart of her life.


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