Klezmer Chansons Yiddish

ISBN: 4011222240194
Format: CD
Language: -

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Price: 3 700 Ft

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Tucker, Sophie - My Yiddishe Momme
Bangelman Sisters, the - a Vaibele a Tsnien
Yiddish Swing Orchestra - Bridegroom Special
Barry Sisters, the - Hava Naguila
Ellstein, Abe Orchestra - Second Avenue Square Dan
Brandwein, Naftule - Freilicher Yontov
Lebedoff, Aaron - Ruchel
Picon, Molle - Es Fehlt Ihr Die Rozinke
Gerro, Henry - Gefilte Fisch
Schaver, Emma - Partisan Song
Lubin, Annie - Zetz
Marjane, Leo - Mazel Tov
Goodman, Benny & His Boys - Shirt Tail Stomp
Fitzgerald, Ella - Bei Mir Bist Du Schon
Brandwein, Naftule - Kleine Princessin (Little Pri
Rechtzeit, Seymour - Hopkele
Lebedoff, Aaron - in Odess
Chenkine, Viktor - Bim Bam
Schaver, Emma - Es Brent
Barry Sisters, the - Ay Ay Hora


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