Walking Berlin (National Geographic)

See the best of Berlin with this streamlined walking guide, complete with 15 step-by-step itineraries and maps to help you explore the city like a pro and navigate like a local.
ISBN: 9781426214714
Author: Paul Sullivan
Page: 192
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2015
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 3 850 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


See the best of Berlin with this streamlined walking guide, complete with 15 step-by-step itineraries and maps to help you explore the city like a pro and navigate like a local. Created in a handy, take-along format, this guide is written by a seasoned travel writer to help conjure the spirit of the place in elegant text enhanced by National Geographic's famous eye for good pictures. More than just a guidebook, Walking Berlin is full of information about the city and its people


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