Ben Crothers: Presto Sketching: The Magic of Simple Drawing for Brilliant Product Thinking and Design - 1st Edition

Do you feel like your thoughts, ideas, and plans are being suffocated by a constant onslaught of information? Do you want to get those great ideas out of your head, onto the whiteboard and into everyone else’s heads, but find it hard to start?
ISBN: 9781491994283
Author: Ben Crothers
Page: 370
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2017
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 25 675 Ft

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No matter what level of sketching you think you have, Presto Sketching will help you lift your game in visual thinking and visual communication.

In this practical workbook, Ben Crothers provides loads of tips, templates, and exercises that help you develop your visual vocabulary and sketching skills to clearly express and communicate your ideas. Learn techniques like product sketching, storyboarding, journey mapping, and conceptual illustration. Dive into how to use a visual metaphor (with a libraryof 101 visual metaphors), as well as tips for capturing and sharing your sketches digitally, and developing your own style.

Designers, product managers, trainers, and entrepreneurs will learn better ways to explore problems, explain concepts, and comeup with well-defined ideas - and have fun doing it.


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