Questions Children Ask and How to Answer Them

Where did I come from? What happens when you die? What's divorce? From the moment children can formulate questions they begin to bombard their parents with "Why?" "What?" "Where" and "How?"
ISBN: 9781785040658
Author: Dr. Miriam Stoppard
Page: 187
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2016
Format: Book
Publisher: VERMILION
Language: English

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Price: 8 550 Ft

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Where did I come from? What happens when you die? What's divorce? From the moment children can formulate questions they begin to bombard their parents with "Why?" "What?" "Where" and "How?" Naturally curious they often catch us off guard leaving us unsure of how to answer their questions with an appropriate response. Fully revised and updated for the digital age, this new edition of Dr Miriam Stoppard’s essential parenting manual provides age-appropriate answers to a huge range of challenging questions. Drawing from extensive research in child development and specifically on what children can handle at each age, Stoppard offers parents a foundation on which they can build their own answers as their child's understanding expands.


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