
In stock

Number of results: 9321

Agatha Christie: Ubijstvo v "Vostochnom ekspresse"

EKSMO, 2016

Nakhodivshijsja v Stambule velikij syschik Erkjul Puaro vozvraschaetsja v Angliju na znamenitom «Vostochnom ekspresse», v kotorom vmeste s nim edut, kazhetsja, predstaviteli vsekh vozmozhnykh natsionalnostej.


Price: 6 750 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies

Agatha Christie: Ubijstvo v "Vostochnom ekspresse"

EKSMO, 2017

Klassika detektivnogo zhanra, roman, kotoryj nikogda ne ustareet. Erkjulju Puaro predstoit rassledovat krajne strannoe, zaputannoe i zhestokoe prestuplenie - na tele ubitogo obnaruzheno dvenadtsat nozhevykh ran.


Price: 5 525 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies

Agatha Christie: Ubijstvo v Mesopotamii

EKSMO, 2015

Izvestnyj arkheolog Lajdner poprosil medsestru Emi Lederen priekhat v Irak na raskopki bliz goroda Khassani - emu nuzhno, chtoby kto-nibud prismatrival za ego zhenoj.


Price: 2 650 Ft

Not in stock

Agatha Christie: Un cadáver en la biblioteca

BOOKET, 2020

Son las siete de la manana. Los Bantry se despiertan con una desagradable sorpresa: el cuerpo inerte de una joven mujer desconocida en su biblioteca.


Price: 6 450 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies

Agatha Christie: Vecherinka v Khellouin

EKSMO, 2019

Pisatelnitsa Ariadna Oliver priglashena v dom podrugi, gde v samom razgare prigotovlenija k prazdnovaniju Khellouina – veselogo karnavala dlja detishek i vzroslykh....


Price: 5 250 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies

Agatha Christie: Why Didn't They Ask Evans?


While playing a round of golf, Bobby Jones slices his ball over the edge of a cliff. His ball is lost, but on the rocks below he finds the crumpled body of a dying man. With his final breath the man opens his eyes and says, ‘Why didn’t they ask Evans?’


Price: 3 850 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies

Number of results: 9321