China in the nineteenth century: a proud and ancient empire forbidden to foreigners. The West desires Chinese tea above all other things but lacks the silver to buy it. Instead, western adventurers resort to smuggling opium in exchange.
The epic begins in pre-Christian Ireland during the reign of the fierce and powerful High Kings at Tara, with the tale of two lovers, the princely Conall and the ravishing Deirdre, whose travails eco the ancient Celtic legend of Cuchulainn.
Following the critically acclaimed success of Dublin, this riveting sequel takes the story of Ireland from the seventeenth century onwards, picking up at the Reformation, and with it, the devastating arrival of Oliver Cromwell.
In the tradition of his phenomenal bestseller Sarum,Edward Rutherfurd now gives us a sweeping novel of London, a glorious pageant spanning two thousand years He brings this vibrant city's long and noble history alive through the ever-shifting fortunes,..
Acclaimed for their searing wit and their deep humanity, this magnificent cycle of novels - in which Patrick Melrose battles to survive the savageries of his childhood and lead a self-determined life - is one of the major achievements in English fiction
Die Kuh Lieselotte hat Geburtstag! Doch auf dem Bauernhof bleibt es seltsam still. Trifft denn niemand Geburtstagsvorbereitungen? Die Bäuerin hat keinen Geburtstagskuchen gebacken, der Garten ist nicht festlich geschmückt.
Für die neunjährige Violet gibt es keinen schöneren Ort auf der Welt als Tante Abigails Blumenladen. Dort duftet es so herrlich – nach Veilchen, Rosen und Geheimnissen!
Eta kniga ni na chto ne pretenduet. Ona, bezuslovno, lish otchasti kulinarnaja, khotja v nej mnozhestvo retseptov, no oni nikak ne sistematizirovany i ne obedineny nichem,...
Inoj raz zhizn napominaet vjazanie. Odno nevernoe dvizhenie i nitochki polzut, gljadish i oni uzhe zaputalis. Tak sluchilos i v zhizni professora Tveritinova