Rebecca Hunt: Everland

1913: Dinners, Millet-Bass, and Napps - three men bound not by friendship, but by an intense dependence founded on survival - will be immortalised by their decision to volunteer to scout out a series of uncharted and...
ISBN: 9780141049939
Author: Rebecca Hunt
Page: 296
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2015
Format: Book
Language: English

Rating(No ratings so far.)

Price: 2 775 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


...unknown islands in the Antarctic, a big, indifferent kingdom. 2013: Brix, Jess, and Decker - three researchers with their own reasons for being far from home - set out on a field trip to the same ancient lumps of rock and snow, home to nothing but colonies of penguins and seals. Under the harsh ultraviolet light, as all colours bleach out, and the world of simple everyday pleasures recedes, they unknowingly begin to mirror the expedition of 100 years ago.


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