Brian Aldiss: Helliconia

Helliconia is a planet that, due to the massively eccentric orbit of its own sun around another star, experiences seasons that lasts eons.
ISBN: 9780575086159
Author: Brian Aldiss
Page: 1328
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2010
Format: Book
Publisher: GATEWAY
Language: English

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Price: 10 575 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Whole civilisations grow in the Spring, flourish in the Summer and then die in the brutal winters. The human-like inhabitants have been profoundly changed by their experience of this harsh cycle.

In orbit above the planet a terran mission struggles to observe and understand the effects on society of such a massive climatic impact.

Massive, thoroughly researched, minutely organised, full of action, pulp references and deep drama this is a classic trilogy.


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