Paul Auster: Man in the Dark

Seventy-two-year-old August Brill is recovering from a car accident in his daughter's house in Vermont.
ISBN: 9780571240777
Author: Paul Auster
Page: 180
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2009
Format: Book
Publisher: FABER & FABER
Language: English

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Price: 4 295 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


When sleep refuses to come, he lies in bed and tells himself stories, struggling to push back thoughts about things he would rather forget - his wife's recent death and the horrific murder, in Iraq, of his granddaughter's boyfriend, Titus. Brill, a retired book critic, imagines a parallel world in which America is not at war with Iraq but with itself. In this other America the Twin Towers did not fall on 9/11, and the 2000 election results led to secession, as state after state pulled away from the union and a bloody civil war ensued.


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