Nnedi Okorafor:Who Fears Death

In a post-apocalyptic Africa, the world has changed in many ways; yet in one region genocide between tribes still bloodies the land.
ISBN: 9780756407285
Author: Nnedi Okorafor
Page: 419
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2014
Format: Book
Publisher: DAW BOOKS
Language: English

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Price: 2 750 Ft

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A woman who has survived the annihilation of her village and a terrible rape by an enemy general wanders into the desert, hoping to die. Instead, she gives birth to an angry baby girl with hair and skin the color of sand. Gripped by the certainty that her daughter is different—special—she names her Onyesonwu, which means "Who fears death?" in an ancient language.


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