Michel Houellebecq: Submission

As the 2022 French Presidential election looms, two candidates emerge as favourites: Marine Le Pen of the Front National, and the charismatic Muhammed Ben Abbes of the growing Muslim Fraternity.
ISBN: 9781784702052
Author: Michel Houellebecq
Page: 256
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2016
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 4 290 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Forming a controversial alliance with the political left to block the Front National’s alarming ascendency, Ben Abbes sweeps to power, and overnight the country is transformed. This proves to be the death knell of French secularism, as Islamic law comesinto force: women are veiled, polygamy is encouraged and, for our narrator François – misanthropic, middle-aged and alienated – life is set on a new course.


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