Martin Amis: Einstein's Monsters

An ex-circus strongman, veteran of Warsaw, 1939, and Notting Hill rough-justice artist, meets his own personal holocaust and 'Einsteinian' destiny; maximum boredom and minimum love-making are advised in a 2020 epidemic;
ISBN: 9780099768913
Author: Martin Amis
Page: 127
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2003
Format: Book
Language: English

Rating(No ratings so far.)

Price: 1 990 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


An ex-circus strongman, veteran of Warsaw, 1939, and Notting Hill rough-justice artist, meets his own personal holocaust and 'Einsteinian' destiny; maximum boredom and minimum love-making are advised in a 2020 epidemic; a virulent new strain of schizophrenia overwhelms the young son of a 'father of the nuclear age'; evolution takes a rebarbative turn in a Kafkaesque love story; and the history of the earth is frankly discussed by one who has witnessed it all.


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