Marcel Proust: The Way by Swann's (In Search of Lost Time - Book 1)

The Way by Swann's is one of the great novels of childhood, depicting the impressions of a sensitive boy of his family and neighbours, brought dazzlingly back to life by the famous taste of a madeleine.
ISBN: 9780141180311
Author: Marcel Proust
Page: 451
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2002
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 4 290 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


It contains the separate short novel, A Love of Swann's, a study of sexual jealousy that forms a crucial part of the vast, unfolding structure of In Search of Lost Time. This book established Proust as one of the greatest voices of the modern age - satirical, sceptical, confiding and endlessly varied in his response to the human condition.


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