Karl Ove Knausgaard: Dancing in the Dark - My Struggle Book 4

Fresh out of high school, Karl Ove moves to a remote fishing village to work as a teacher. He has no interest in the job itself – or in any other job for that matter, his sole aim is to save money and start writing.
ISBN: 9780099581529
Author: Karl Ove Knausgaard
Page: 548
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2015
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 4 290 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Fresh out of high school, Karl Ove moves to a remote fishing village to work as a teacher. He has no interest in the job itself – or in any other job for that matter, his sole aim is to save money and start writing.
All goes well to begin with but as the nights grow longer, his life takes a darker turn. Drinking causes him blackouts, his repeated attempts at losing his virginity end in humiliation, and to his own great distress he develops romantic feelings towards one of his 13-year-old students. And all the while the shadow of his father looms large...


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