Jonathan Franzen: Freedom

'The great achievement of Freedom is to be an almost perfectly written novel yet one which contrives not to be intimidating. It is both a page-turner and a work of art.' Sarah Sands, Evening Standard
ISBN: 9780007423323
Author: Jonathan Franzen
Page: 706
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2011
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 3 050 Ft

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This is the story of the Berglunds, their son Joey, their daughter Jessica and their friend Richard Katz. It is about how we use and abuse our freedom; about the beginning and ending of love; teenage lust; the unexpectedness of adult life; why we compete with our friends; how we betray those closest to us; and why things almost never work out as they ‘should’. It is a story about the human heart, and what it leads us to do to ourselves and each other.


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