Jodi Picoult: Mad Honey

Olivia fled her abusive marriage to return to her hometown and take over the family beekeeping business when her son Asher was six.
ISBN: 9781473692480
Author: Jodi Picoult
Page: 464
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2023
Format: Book
Language: English

Rating(No ratings so far.)

Price: 5 550 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Now, impossibly, her baby is six feet tall and in his last year of high school, a kind, good-looking, popular ice hockey star with a tiny sprite of a new girlfriend.

Lily also knows what it feels like to start over - when she and her mother relocatedto New Hampshire it was all about a fresh start. She and Asher couldn't help falling for each other, and Lily feels happy for the first time. But can she trust him completely?


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