J.M. Coetzee: The Schooldays of Jesus

Davíd is the small boy who is always asking questions. Simón and Inés take care of him in their new town Estrella. He is learning the language; he has begun to make friends.
ISBN: 9781784705343
Author: J.M. Coetzee
Page: 260
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2017
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 3 075 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Davíd is the small boy who is always asking questions. Simón and Inés take care of him in their new town Estrella. He is learning the language; he has begun to make friends. He has the big dog Bolívar to watch over him. But he'll be seven soon and he should be at school. And so, Davíd is enrolled in the Academy of Dance. It's here, in his new golden dancing slippers, that he learns how to call down the numbers from the sky. But it's here too that he will make troubling discoveries about what grown-ups are capable of.


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