Javier Marías: The Infatuations

The Infatuations is a critically acclaimed novel by the great Spanish writer Javier Marías.
ISBN: 9780241958490
Author: Javier Marías
Page: 346
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2014
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 3 025 Ft

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Every day, Maria Dolz stops for breakfast at the same café. And every day she enjoys watching a handsome couple who follow the same routine. Then one day they aren't there, and she feels obscurely bereft. It is only later, when she comes across a newspaper photograph of the man, lying stabbed in the street, his shirt half off, that she discovers who the couple are. Some time afterwards, when the woman returns to the café with her children, who are then collected by a different man, and Maria approachesher to offer her condolences, an entanglement begins which sheds new light on this apparently random, pointless death.


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