Andre Dubus III: House of Sand and Fog

When Kathy, a young recovering alcoholic recently separated from her husband, fails to a open a series of tax letters that have been sent to her in error, the State of California seizes the house she and her brother have inherited from her father.
ISBN: 9780099283140
Author: Andre Dubus III
Page: 365
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2001
Format: Book
Language: English

Rating(No ratings so far.)

Price: 2 800 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


The State sells the house at auction to Behrani, a former Iranian Air Force officer. Unable to parley his skills into a job in aerospace in the US, the house represents an entry into real estate and a passport to the future of his family and his own version of the American Dream. For Kathy, its loss is the last of a series of insults life has dealt her. When she becomes involved with a married policeman who takes up her cause, the stage is set for a gut-wrenching tragedy.


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