Ali Smith: Winter (Seasonal Quartet Book 2)

Winter? Bleak. Frosty wind, earth as iron, water as stone, so the old song goes. The shortest days, the longest nights. The trees are bare and shivering. The summer's leaves? Dead litter.
ISBN: 9780241973332
Author: Ali Smith
Page: 336
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2018
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 3 750 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


The world shrinks; the sap sinks.
But winter makes things visible. And if there's ice, there'll be fire.

In Ali Smith's Winter, lifeforce matches up to the toughest of the seasons. In this second novel in her acclaimed Seasonal cycle, the follow-up to her sensational Autumn, Smith casts a merry eye over a bleak post-truth era with a story rooted in history, memory and warmth, its taproot deep in the evergreens: art, love, laughter.


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