T. Kingfisher: What Moves The Dead (Sworn Soldier, Book 1)

When Alex Easton, a retired soldier, receives word that their childhood friend Madeline Usher is dying, they race to the ancestral home of the Ushers in the remote countryside of Ruritania.
ISBN: 9781803360072
Author: T. Kingfisher
Page: 192
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2022
Format: Book
Publisher: TITAN BOOKS
Language: English

Rating(No ratings so far.)

Price: 4 825 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


What they find there is a nightmare of fungal growths and possessed wildlife, surrounding a dark, pulsing lake. Madeline sleepwalks and speaks in strange voices at night, and her brother Roderick is consumed with a mysterious malady of the nerves.

Aided by a redoubtable British mycologist and a baffled American doctor, Alex must unravel the secret of the House of Usher before it consumes them all.


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