Vanessa Chan: The Storm We Made

Her decision changed history.Now her family must survive it.
ISBN: 9781399712583
Author: Vanessa Chan
Page: 352
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2024
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 8 350 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


British Malaya, 1930s
Discontented housewife Cecily is seduced by Japanese general Fujiwara and the glorious future he is promising for 'independent' Malaya, free from British colonialism. As she becomes further embedded as his own personal spy, she unwittingly alters the fate of her country by welcoming in a punishing form of dictatorship under the Japanese in WWII.

Japanese-occupied Malaya, 1945
Cecily and her family are barely surviving. Her children, Jujube, Abel and Jasmin, are surrounded by threat, and look to their mother to keep them safe. But she can't tell them about the part she played in the war - and she doesn't know how to protect them.
Can Cecily face up to her past to save her children? Or is it already too late... ?


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