Anne Rice: Beauty's Punishment

This sequel to The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, the first of Anne Rice's elegantly written volumes of erotica, continues her explicit, teasing exploration of the psychology of human desire.
ISBN: 9780452281431
Author: Anne Rice
Page: 233
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 1999
Format: Book
Publisher: BERKLEY
Language: English

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Price: 4 925 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Now Beauty, having indulged in a secret and forbidden infatuation with the rebellious slave Prince Tristan, is sent away from the Satyricon-like world of the Castle. Sold at auction, she will soon experience the tantalizing punishments of the "village",as her education in love, cruelty, dominance, submission, and tenderness is turned over to the brazenly handsome Captain of the Guard.


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