Natalie Babbitt: Tuck Everlasting

A beautiful paperback edition of the unforgettable classic of children's writing about what it truly means to live forever. Featuring illustrations by Melissa Castrillon.
ISBN: 9781526615251
Author: Natalie Babbitt
Page: 224
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2020
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 2 425 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Winnie Foster is in the woods, thinking of running away from home, when she sees a boy drinking from a spring. Winnie wants a drink too, but before she can take a sip, she is kidnapped by the boy, Jesse Tuck, and his family. She learns that the Tuck family are blessed with - or doomed to - eternal life since drinking from the spring, and they wander from place to place trying to live as inconspicuously as they can. Now Winnie knows their secret. But what does immortality really mean? And can the Tucks help her understand before it's too late?


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