Holly Black: The Wicked King (The Folk of the Air, Book 2)

I have heard that for mortals, the feeling of falling in love is very like the feeling of fear.
ISBN: 9781471407369
Author: Holly Black
Page: 368
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2019
Format: Book
Publisher: HOT KEY BOOKS
Language: English
Ages: 14-18 years

Rating(No ratings so far.)

Price: 4 825 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Jude has tricked Cardan onto the throne, binding him to her for a year and a day. But the new High King does everything in his power to humiliate and undermine her, even as his fascination with her remains undimmed. Meanwhile, a traitor in the court is scheming against her. Jude must fight for her life and the lives of those she loves, all while battling her own complicated feelings for Cardan. Now a year and a day seems like no time at all . . .


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