Short Stories in Ukrainian: English and Ukrainian Stories Side by Side

Dive into "Short Stories in Ukrainian" and step into enchanting worlds. This collection comprises 60 spellbinding tales, each thoughtfully presented in both English and Ukrainian.
ISBN: 9789464851137
Author: Auke de Haan
Page: 126
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2023
Format: Book
Language: Ukrainian

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Price: 13 150 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 7-8 weeks


The dual-language format not only celebrates the universal power of stories and emotions but also allows readers to appreciate the beauty and depth of the Ukrainian language.
Bilingual books like this offer various benefits. Studies have indicated thatreading in two languages enhances cognitive abilities, promotes brain health, and improves memory retention. Furthermore, by immersing oneself in stories presented in their original context, readers can gain a deeper cultural understanding and appreciation of the Ukrainian heritage.


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