Parallel Text: French Short Stories: Nouvelles Francaises: 2

These eight stories by leading 20th century French writers offer fascinating insights into French life and literature and are accompanied by a parallel English text, making them valuable for both French and English language students.
ISBN: 9780140034141
Page: 238
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 1971
Format: Book
Language: French

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Price: 4 125 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Among the diverse and entertaining stories in the collection are the wistful masterpiece ‘Green Tobacco’ by Clair Sainte-Soline; the exuberant tale of ‘The Ants’ by the post-war king of café society, Boris Vian, and a suspense in the nineteenth-century erotic tradition from Andre de Mandiargues.


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