Woodland Life to Spot

A handy mini spotters' guide to woodland wildlife, with colourful illustrations and stickers.
ISBN: 9781474975001
Author: Kate Nolan
Page: 24
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2020
Format: Book
Publisher: USBORNE
Language: English

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Price: 2 150 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Perfect for budding nature enthusiasts, this informative book helps readers identify wildlife that they might spot whilst exploring in the woods. It contains 60 different animals and plants to spot, with a beautiful illustration and a description for each one. The pages are organised by location, showing what children might spot on the forest floor, in the treetops, and in different kinds of woodland, such as pine forests. There's also a spotting chart and stickers to add so children can keep track of the wildlife they've spotted.


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