Julia Donaldson: The Highway Rat

'Give me your buns and your biscuits!Give me your chocolate eclairs!For I am the Rat of the highway,and the Rat Thief never shares!'
ISBN: 9781407170732
Author: Julia Donaldson
Page: 32
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2016
Format: Book
Language: English
Ages: 0-6 years

Rating(No ratings so far.)

Price: 4 990 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Life is not safe for the other animals, as the villainous Highway Rat gallops along the highway, stealing their food. Clover from a rabbit; nuts from a squirrel - he even steals his own horse's hay.
Will he finally meet his comeuppance, in the form of a cunning duck?


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