Superman: The Men of Tomorrow

A new era for SUPERMAN begins as Geoff Johns takes the reigns - and he's joined by the legendary super-talent of John Romita, Jr. in his first-ever work for DC Comics!
ISBN: 9781401258689
Author: Geoff Johns
Page: 256
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2016
Format: Book
Publisher: DC COMICS
Language: English

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Price: 8 575 Ft

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A new era for SUPERMAN begins as Geoff Johns takes the reigns - and he's joined by the legendary super-talent of John Romita, Jr. in his first-ever work for DC Comics! Enter Ulysses, the Man of Tomorrow, into the Man of Steel's life. This strange visitor shares many of Kal-El's experiences, including having been rocketed from a world with no future. New and exciting mysteries and adventures await. Plus, Perry White offers Clark a chance to return to The Daily Planet! Collects SUPERMAN #32-39.


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