Attack on Titan Omnibus Edition Book 1 (Manga Vol. 1-3)

Includes Vol. 1-3 of Attack on Titan.
ISBN: 9781646513741
Page: 592
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2021
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 7 550 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


For eons, humans ruled the natural world. But a century ago, everything changed when the Titans appeared. Giant, grotesque parodies of the human form, these sexless monsters consumed all but a few thousand human beings, who took refuge behind giant walls. Today, the threat of the Titans is a distant memory, and a boy named Eren yearns to explore the world beyond the wall. But what began as a childish dream will become an all-too-real nightmare when a Titan finally knocks a hole in the wall, and humanity is once again on the brink of extinction…


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