Atsushi Ohkubo: Soul Eater Vol. 9

Crona's loyalties are torn as Medusa regroups and plots to beat both DWMA and her sister, Arachne, in the arms race for Eibon's demon tools.
ISBN: 9780316071130
Author: Atsushi Ohkubo
Page: 208
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2018
Format: Book
Publisher: YEN PRESS
Language: English

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Price: 7 350 Ft

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Crona's loyalties are torn as Medusa regroups and plots to beat both DWMA and her sister, Arachne, in the arms race for Eibon's demon tools. As the madness of the Kishin continues to spread, Maka, Black*Star, and Kid begin even more rigorous training tomaster their weapons and work together as a team. Will they be ready to face Arachnophobia in time for their next mission? Or will internal strife tear them apart?!


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