Vámos Miklós: Neige Chinoise et Autres Nouvelles
Ces nouvelles sont extraites d'un recueil intitulé "Bar", publié en 1998 en Hongrie.
Price: 6 995 Ft
Libra Bookshop - Ferenc Liszt Music Store
1085 Budapest, Kölcsey utca 1.
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10-18, Sat 10-14
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Ces nouvelles sont extraites d'un recueil intitulé "Bar", publié en 1998 en Hongrie.
Price: 6 995 Ft
Price: 9 725 Ft
V sbornike "Vengrija za granitsami Vengrii" predstavleny proizvedenija vengerskikh pisatelej Transilvanii, Voevodiny, Juzhnoj Slovakii i Zakarpatja.
Price: 7 175 Ft
Not in stockSEAGULL, 2022
In the novel Story of a Stammer, Gábor Vida asks a fundamental question: Where does stammering come from? In the process of answering this question, he discovers that an entire historical period and an entire world have been stammering, too.
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NLO, 2005
Peter Zilakhi rodilsja v 1970 godu v Budapeshte. V universitete izuchal anglijskuju filologiju, antropologiju kultury i filosofiju.
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Not in stockNISCHEN VERLAG, 2012
Tagenbuch eines jungen Holocaust-Opfers
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Seinen letzten Sommer verbringt der Vater am Balaton, in Ungarn, der alten Heimat.
Price: 8 825 Ft
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